Free Tehran Tour 4th: Ghazali Cinema Town

Ghazali Cinema Town
Affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Services and covering an area of 10 hectares, the complex was established in 1971, partially simulating old Tehran. It comprises various state and historic buildings; streets, and places of more than 100 years ago decorated by Italian decorators, particularly Gianni Cortina. The exterior decoration of the structures and locations imitates that of the original ones using extant pictures. The complex comprises three sections:

1. Laleh Zar Avenue, the Municipality, and Old Toopkhaneh (modern Imam Khomeini) Square.
2. The ancient districts of Tehran such as Ood-e lajaan, Paamenar, and the Bazaar.
3. The reconstruction of the environment the Sarbedaran movie picture was being made. In future, other structures such as the old Tehran Police Building, the Shahi Bank, the ancient Post and Telegraph Office, the Baharestan Square, arid the old Majlis (Parliament) will be added tothe complex.

Time: Friday, 20 Nov 2015 – 1 PM, to 5:30 Pm
Place to meet: Meydan Azadi metro station

Telegram: @abbasm
CS Event: Link

Check out photos at Instagram 

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